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Valid for Sitecore 5.2, 5.1.1
3.  General Settings
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This section describes the <settings> object, which is usually included near the end of the web.config file.  The <settings> object contains many simple <setting> children, each of which provides the name and value of a Sitecore setting.

Key Description Default Value
AliasesActive Activates or disables the use of aliases.  Define aliases in the Content Editor System area. True
AllowLogoutOfAllUsers Indicates if the logout screen presents all users or just users with the same name ?? False
AppendQSToUrlRendering If this setting is true, all the query strings passed to the main page are passed to all url renderings. True
AuditFile Defines the physical location of the audit file.  Can be a site relative path (for example, /folder/file.txt) or an absolute path (for example, c:\folder\file.txt). \data\audit\audit.txt
AutomaticDataBind Indicates if the data bind function is run automatically. True
AutomaticLockOnSave If true, items are automatically locked when saved. False
AutomaticUnlockOnSaved If true, items are automatically unlocked after saving. False
CacheViewState Indicates if the ViewState is cached in the GlobalCache in SheerUI.  Set this value to false to reduce memory usage. True
DataFolder Path to data folder. Can be a site relative path (for example, /folder/data) or an absolute file system path (for example, c:\folder\data) /data
DebugBorderColor Color associated with control html tag used for debug borders. red
DebugBorderTag Control html tag used for debug borders (usually span or div). span
DebugFolder Path to debug folder. Can be a site relative path (for example, /folder/debug) or a file system absolute path (for example, c:\folder\debug). /data/debug
DefaultIcon Default icon for items in the Sitecore client. /sitecore/shell/themes/
DefaultItem The document that will be shown first when entering the Sitecore client.  Path is rooted in /sitecore/content and must start with /.  This value can be overridden for each user via the User Manager. /home
DefaultLanguage The default language (iso code) for the web site and the Sitecore client. en
DefaultLayoutFile The path to the layout file for use with items that do not specify a layout file. /default.html
DefaultPublishingTargets Pipe separated list of default publishing targets. Groups in this list will be pre-selected in the Publish dialog. ||
DefaultSortOrderValue The default value of the sort order attribute on items. 0
DefaultSQLTimeout The default timeout for SQL commands. 00:03:00
DefaultTheme The default theme to use in the Sitecore client. standard
DisableBrowserCaching If true, the http header for all pages will include: Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store Pragma: no-cache True
ErrorPage Url of the page that handles generic errors /sitecore/error.html
IgnoreUrlPrefixes Set IgnoreUrlPrefixes to a '|' separated list of url prefixes that should not be regarded and processed as friendly urls (for example, forms and so on) /trace.asd|/sitecore/shell/Editor|
/sitecore/admin/upgrade/| UnhandledException.html
ImageTypes List of file extensions to regard as images when uploading (separated by |).  Must begin and end with a pipe character (|) |gif|jpg|png|
InvalidItemNameChars Characters that are invalid in an item name \/:*?"&lt;&gt;|[]
ItemNameValidation Regular expression for validating item names ^\w[\w\s\.]*$
ItemNotFoundUrl Url of page handling 'Item not found' errors /sitecore/notfound.html
LayoutNotFoundUrl Url of page handling 'Layout not found' errors /sitecore/nolayout.html
LicenseFile This value defines the physical location of the license file. Can be a site relative path (for example, /folder/debug) or a file system absolute path (for example, c:\folder\debug). /data/license.xml
LogFolder Path to log folder. This must be the same location as the settings in the log4net section below. Can be a site relative path (for example, /folder/debug) or a file system absolute path (for example, c:\folder\debug). /data/logs
MailServer SMTP server used for sending mails by the Sitecore server, is used by MainUtil.SendMail()
MasterVariablesReplacer Specifies that class that will replace variables when creating a new item from a master, for example, "$id" and "$parentid" Sitecore.Data.
MasterVariablesReplacer, Sitecore.Kernel.dll
MediaFolder Root folder of media library files. Can be a site relative path (for example, /folder/debug) or a file system absolute path (for example, c:\folder\debug). /upload
NoAccessUrl The url of the page that handles 'Access denied' errors. /sitecore/noaccess.html
NoLicenseUrl The url of the page that handles missing license errors. /sitecore/nolicense.html
PackagePath Specifies the path where packages are located. /data/packages
(New in Sitecore 5.1)
Specifies the encryption hash algorithm to use when encrypting passwords.  Valid values include: MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512.  Note, if this value is changed on an existing installation, old passwords will no longer work. MD5
PortalPrincipalResolver Returns an IPortalPrincipalResolver interface that resolves the current portal user. Sitecore.Web.UI.Portal.
PortalStorage Returns an IPortalStorage which fetches data for the current portal user. Sitecore.Web.UI.Portal.
ProcessHistoryCount The number of process histories to show in the log file at startup. Set to 0 (zero) to disable. 1
RecycleBinActive If true, when deleting items in the client, they will be moved to the recycle bin rather than deleted. True
RequireLockBeforeEditing If true, the user must have a lock on a document before he can edit it, otherwise items are always ready for editing. True
ViewStateStore Returns an IViewStateStore interface that stores SheerUI viewstate. Possible values are "SQLViewStateStore" or "FileViewStateStore". Sitecore.Web.UI.Sheer.
WebStylesheet The CSS file for HTML content of Sitecore database.  The file pointed to by WebStylesheet setting is automatically included into Sitecore Client. By using it, you can make the content of HTML fields look the same in Sitecore Content Editor and in the actual Web Site. /default.css
WelcomeTitle The title on the login page of the Sitecore client. Welcome to Sitecore
WelcomeText The message on the login page of the Sitecore client.  
XslCaching Controls whether parsed xsl files will be cached in memory. To cache the html output of xsl files, use the cacheHtml setting on the relevant site definition. Caching must also be enabled on the individual layouts and renderings. Note: To avoid the memory leak issues described in MS knowledge base article 316775, set this setting to 'true'. True

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